Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rough Video Feed, but the audio's worth listening to

Harry and "Wheels"


Wow! What a ride for this self-proclaimed sports nut!

Every year, as a big-time baseball fan, I watch the world series celebration (unless its the Yankees) and enjoy the excitement of it, seeing the emotions the players experience.

But every year, I could only observe as an outsider. I wasn't a fan of that team, those weren't players that I followed from February to October, and so part of me always wondered what it would be like to celebrate from a fans perspective.

Last night gave that chance.

We had church until 8:30, so I knew I'd miss a bit of the drama (and well, the Obama infomercial, which was not a problem).

We left church after it was finished and started the 12 minute drive home, making it within 5 minutes of the house when Jayson Werth's bloop hit brought home Geoff Jenkins!

Let the Party begin!!!! or not so fast.... Ryan Madsen gave up a rare run. At the time everyone thought he jammed Baldelli, but Baldelli got enough of the bat on the ball to drive it out of the park.

To the fans credit, they did not boo Madsen when he left the game (Commissoner Selig...that's a different story).

Romero came in and got the out. He looked a bit more nervous/figety than normal. Call it a "3-deep breath" moment instead of just the normal 1. He also had a huge double-play ball to erase an early Rays threat.

Burrell then delivered in his only hit of the World Series, and perhaps last at-bat as a Phillie. Again the celebration was about to begin as he drove a pitch to left-center, only to hit the top of the wall (ala Manny Rameriz a round earlier).

Again, in a true team-effort, Pedro Feliz, a 49 RBI guy during the regular season, came through with the biggest one in recent Phillies history!

Lidge came in, shut the door, and let the celebration begin!!!

Who would have thought it. A good team (the Phillies) finally taking a step and becoming a great team! After season upon season of disappointment, than the no-show in the playoffs last year, to World Series champions the next!!!!

What a great ride! Thank you Ed Wade, without your desire to have Geoff Geory, Michael Bourn and Michael Costanzo the Phillies would not have landed Brad Lidge, the former Golden Domer!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Final 3 outs....please?

Popup!!!!! stay with it, stay with it! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Crawford's working him....we're all on the edge of our seats. No mistakes...

Crawford's the last hope (hopefully), Lidge has been dealing unlike other post-season games.

11:58 Slider low and away! YEAH!!!!!!! 2nd strikeout!!

Here comes Evan Longoria.

11:56 RING HIM UP!!!! YEAH!!!!!

Lidge vs. Pena

11:51 wasted opportunities

A bit of a surprise that Bruntlett got an at-bat with runners in scoring position. Bring in Dobbs, put Taguchi in left-field.

Oh well, it's Lidge-time. His best against the Rays best.

Close the door. 1 - 2 - 3

P.S. the whole build-up drama thing by Joe Buck is good when you don't have a vested interest, but with the Phillies leading, it gets annoying.

11:33 1 more inning!

BIG strikeout by Madsen! This is not your father's Madsen, or maybe your "Larry Bowa's" Madsen. This guy is dealing!!

1 more inning....let's get a few insurance runs...

11:16 Bring this Win Home

Cole's looking good. The Phils cannot pad the lead, despite a number of different guys coming up with runners on base.

Tonight's not over, but it will be interesting to see what kind of game Myers, Moyer & Blanton have with this lack of run-support that has occasionally plagued the Phillies throughout the post-season.

10:10 Blue Blazers

Breaking News.....the Tampa Bay Rays are going to wear khaki pants and blue blazers, as reported by Ken R of FoxSports.

I enjoy READING the different baseball thoughts of one Ken R, but find his side-line reporting to be a bit uninspiring.

We have yet to have a Chris Myers sighting, so one can only hope for that in later innings.

How about Burrell beating a path down the inside of the line. Looked fine from my perspective but brought about extra commentary from the announcers.

Also, I had to think about Utley's first at-bat, where he tried to bunt...I guess Rays fans wish he had done that, and not hit a home-run a few pitches later.

Kazmir still looks shaky, Cole gave one back, but we're 6 outs from turning this thing over to the bullpen, which, knock-on-wood, will hopefully be as good as the regular season (in-other-words, fantastic!).

9:39 Whewwwww

Wow, who would have thought a double-play would be so exciting. Not since Ryan Zimmerman's DP ball to win division have I enjoyed seeing the 5-4-3 DP.

I also exhaled after realizing that just a few minutes earlier I had mentioned that Cole might only need 2 runs. Not that I give creedence to the whole "jinx" thing but you never want to be proven wrong (so quickly).

Feliz, who McCarver might call Feel-is, isn't doing much offensively, but there's a reason he get's the bulk of the playing time instead of the better offensive player in Greg Dobbs.

1/3 of the way there. Time to get caffinated!!!

If my cell hadn't bit the dust, I would totally be texting people tonight.

9:27 Kazmir out of a jamb

The Phils might not need more than 2 runs, the way Hamels has looked early, but it's always a shame to leave a runner at 3rd when you could have gotten him in with the
2nd out.

Kazmir looks like the Kazmir from early post-season. The guy who has a 4.01 ERA in the post-season (well, higher now with the Utley home-run).

McCarver, who I waffle in my like/dislike for, has yet to show admiration for catchers making a nice block on a slider (wait for it, it's coming) did give his impression of Ru-is.....well, actually, it's Ru-ease, as in Carlos Ruiz. Oh well, least he got Iwamura right.

On a minor note, I'm really pulling for Chris Coste to get a few big hits. He's 0-2 with runners in scoring position this game, so he's struggling early, but time will tell.

Go Phils!

8:57 Good Start

Great double-play ball from Hamels, after the little fiasco at first base with Ryan Howard. Wow, I new B.J. Upton was having a great post-season, but 2 home-runs away from setting the all-time mark for home runs in a post-season? Let's hope he doesn't reach it. Also, I know he was hurt, but how sick is it to have 9 home runs in the regular season, and 8 already in just 3 weeks.

Great, great start for Phillies fans everywhere. Game one in particular is huge, and to get an early lead is awesome.

8:44 UTLEY!!!!!!!!!!!

Chase Utley with a HUGE game 1 at-bat, driving the ball out of the ball-park, setting the Phillies up 2-0 and momentarily shifting momentum from the home-team.

What a home-run!

Good patience from Werth to draw the full-count walk. Early props to Charlie for going with Werth in the 2 spot instead of Victorino. The fan favorite would be to bat Victorino 2nd and Werth 6th, but I guess against Kazmir, go with the righty who has "eaten up" left-handed pitching this year (power numbers at least)

Quick side-note on Victorino. PETA has sent him a letter, asking him to not eat Spam, this after he said one of his favorite foods is Spam _____ (I forget the 2nd combination).

Game 1!!!!!

8:32 Your line-up is re-introduced by no other than Michael Jack Schmidt! Good move. The 'stache never grows outdated.

8:21 That must have been the longest national anthem song ever. Nick Carter and the BackStreet Boys??? Nothing says "we're here and ready to rock on the national stage" like Tampa Bay trotting out the Backstreet boys to sing a falsetto national anthem.

Advantage Phillies!!

8:13 Great opening introductions for both sides. Kind of reinforces that this isn't just any game. Mixed response from the Tampa crowd when Phillies were introduced, I expected more of a hostile response, but there's definitely a Philly continguent there. Someone said there is a whole "Tampadelphia" thing down there with people who have moved from the Philly area.

Some early questions answered: Chris Coste will be the right-handed designated hitter, and back-up catcher....stay healthy!

8:07 Mark Grace informs the rest of America that he picked the Rays at the beginning of the season. Jolly for him.

8:00 Awesome opening to the broadcast, reliving baseball's role in American history. Embellished...sure, you can say that faith and family bonds have a similar role in pulling people through tough times, but from a entertainment standpoint, it got to be baseball...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Phillies - Rays??

I'd say you are just as likely to see this guy show up on your door-step next Friday night, than to have predicted a world series that included both the Phillies & Rays.

Even one day ago (before game 7), you probably would have found more people who thought the Red Sox would advance.

Although the Fox executives might think otherwise, this is a perfect "storm". You have the Rays who have experienced just one winning season (this one) in their history. You have another, the Phillies, with just one World Series championship in their 100+ history of the sport.

Both teams have great offenses. The Rays have an edge in over-all starting pitching but the Phillies have the end at closing out tight games (something like 89-0 when leading after the 8th inning).

Should be exciting for all baseball fans, but particularily those in eastern Pennsylvania and Tampa Bay-St.Pete.

Rockin the Hairnet

This might be the only picture of me, in my relatively brief existence, in a hairnet. I found it amusing.. notice the concentration etched on the face!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

7:41...CC's gone, Howard w/bases loaded

Wow,this game keeps becoming more amazing. CC just left the building. Ryan Howard is up with the bases loaded and a young Brewers pitcher (Stetter?) pitching.

I wonder when the last game, let alone play-off game featured 2 Phillies grand slams.

Not going to happen, called strike three down and away. The umpire has been effectively inconsistent, calling that low strike part of the time.

6:45 .... Victorino!!!!

Wow! Of all the things I've ever seen, Roger Cl-.....err, Shane Victorino hitting a grand slam off C.C. Sabathia after Myers & Rollins draw 2 out walks!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Someone Has a Sense of Humor...

I saw this CD recently where the sleepytime worship creators took Third Day songs and made lullaby renditions of them.

It made me smile when the first song was "Cry to Jesus".

Sometimes "sleepy-time" only arrives after a time of "crying to Jesus".