Well....it won't be the NFC Championship game, without an Eagles loss.
I barely remember the 1 time (out of 5) that they actually did win. I believe I was in a hotel room in Illinois with a few co-workers.
I suppose, in time, you can make an appreciative attempt at putting things in perspective (how many coaches/QBs actually make 5 Championship round games), but for now the loss still stings.
Am I one of those despondent, rabid fans who now has a dim view of life....no. I am a guy who enjoyed the ride the last few weeks have given, bought into the concept that the Eagles were the '07 Giants, and believed that things were breaking right for them, and despite the collective history of the city, Philly would get a rare championship.
On a more humorous note, prior to the Panthers-Cardinals game, I heard a story of an interview Kurt Warner gave. In that interview he said that his wife told the kids if "daddy" makes the super bowl, the family would get a puppy. The point of the story was, you don't bet against God (Warner's a devout Christian) and you don't bet against puppies.
In that light, the Eagles really had no chance....
At least they made a game of it. It looked like they were done, but they came back, took the lead, and allow Eagle fans to dream. To the Cardinals credit, they came back with a(now) astonishing 7 minute drive and scored a touchdown.
They deserved to win, and I'll be routing for them in the Super Bowl.
On a minor note, I really like the LeBron Browns commercial, and thought the Ditka-Billick Coors Light commercial was okay, even if they denigrated the "Coach" (insert Chicago accent).