Saturday, June 30, 2007

Stairway to ???

What kind of stairway do you get when you pull together a bookstore guy, a farmer and an appliance repair techncian?

One with plenty of head scratching, what if we did this, and erasing of pencil lines.

I started the stair building process by doing some measuring, and deciding that if we could make the "rise" of each step a certain length, and we knew the height, that the length could be calculated.

Darren joined me, and we found out that my calculations were off. It didn't hold out well for length (we had a mini-step).

Linford wandered over after waking up, and gave help in the calcualtions, followed by Ervin, and Grandpa Eberly, and in the end, we have something that will work....

WOW! Here's where my optimism got me in trouble. I assumed that I could figure it out. It would take time, but I would figure it out. I did appreciate the help, and the cookies brought by Darren for a quick cookie-break, but in the end, I probably should have just bought a stairway from Musselmans.

This afternoon, I saw that there a few calculators on the Internet that could calculate the "rise" and "run"....but in the end, I tried to make it work for a specific height of steps (rise) and thus, it made it more difficult and time consuming.

In the end, it was an unusual day, but a memorable one, even if for the wrong reasons.

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