Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Catchup V.3

Here's a few miscellaneous thoughts:

*What study did the Salvation Army do, to decide that ringing an incessant bell over and over again would produce more donations? Yes, call me Scrouge....I dont' get shopping much, but when I do, I don't want to hear some guy keeping his mind busy by counting to 100 straight bell rings...

* On a work related note, a customer came to me with a concerned look on her face and said there's a bug crawling around. So, I added bug killing to my resume.

* That same morning a guy called on the phone and said that he received a call from someone in my "firm". Well, I didn't know a bookstore could be classified as a firm, but I stuck my chest out a little farther all the same...

* Lastly a thought on the weather. I know it bends to no-one's will, but I really would like a good snow that cancels the day's activities, and lets me go sledding with Dakota. If we're going to get some bad weather...let's really get it...not of this "over-hyped" snow/freezing rain/rain stuff

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