Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Wild Weekend

This past weekend, the family and I went to the "Loggers" Cabin. This cabin is a simple, rustic cabin, a little over 1 hour north of where we live.

To heat the cabin, we had to fire up the wood stove, and keep it going. While it was really cold at the beginning, once we got that thing cooking, it made for a nice cabin experience.

I really hit the bottle hard this weekend.
We had bought some weird organic coffee/carmel "fair trade" drink, that was convincingly awful, but after that, I would pour soda or tea into it, for the "bottle effect". What you see here is delicious blue cream soda.

Cole seemed to enjoy the weekend, though I think he is teething, as he was fussier than normal.

Last, but definitely not least, the cabin experience included a few trips to this little (cold) building.....home of 1001 "flushes"

But fortunately there were instructions for the uninformed....

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