Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Must Buy

Well....I may have to break my commitment from the previous post.

David Crowder Band came out with a live CD/DVD combo. It's a must buy....including songs like "O Praise Him (All This For a King)" which rivals "When the Music Fades (Heart of Worship)" for longest song title.
Also on the CD/DVD combo is "Beautiful Collision", "Everything Glorious", "No One Like You" and "Here Is Our King" among other songs.

We've had it running at work and I'm hooked like a kid in front of a candy store...mouth open, eyes slightly glazed over, small trickle of drool..

Great worship item. I'm absolutely giddy....

Friday, August 15, 2008

Limited Spending?

So recently I read about this incentive to go a month without spending money.

To clarify, that's not possible unless you 1) grow your own food 2) ride a bike to work, 3) generate your own electricity and 4) don't take tithing very seriously.

What they were going after is extra spending...the non-necessary kind. You not talking about those "Stacker" sandwiches at BK are you....yes (and for the record I find them utterly disgusting, but Linford, who distains lettuce (and apparently vegetables of any kind) enjoys them).

I had tried this once before (February) but I (unwisely) picked a month that had my wife's birthday in, and decided to (wisely) break my commitment, and actually spend money.

Why might one do this? Well.....I'm overtly greedy, and want to jump in a pile of my cash like that duck character in the cartoons (Scrouge McDuck??). No, actually, since I work next to a supermarket AND a restaurant, it had been too many "little" trips to get food, candy, ice tea, etc. I wanted to break that cycle.

I'm 15 days into it, and besides buying gas, I have only spent money on 3 things this month:
1) cheese (my wife asked me to pick it up)
2) a soft pretzel at the Reading Phillies game with Dakota (try going to a game with any kid and not feel compelled to buy something....it's part of the parent-child covenant) and
3) Reading Phillies tickets (already put in motion before my commitment was made).

So far, so good...will this mean that September will be filled with trips to Taco Bell, McDonalds & Wendys....hopefully not.

Enjoy the weekend, we have been having GREAT weather right now!

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve

You know it's the dog days of summer, when the only thing the sports media can focus on is Brett Farve. The Brett Farve network...errr....ESPN has given non-stop reporting, to everything from text messages, rumors from whisper-down-the-lane, he-said / she-said, and the grocery list Deanna Farve compiled for this week's groceries (cheese anyone?).

I know it's bad when I even have a Brett Farve dream. Yes, I can hear the gasp from you the reader. When my sub-conscious is dreaming about Brett Farve being traded, you know it's been enough of the Brett Farve media submersion.

For the record, my dream had him going to the Jets, which immediately sent my sub-conscious into thinking the rationale behind whether or not that made sense to Farve, the NFL, etc (of course it makes sense for the Jets).

In my defense, in my dream someone actually told me about the trade, so it's not like I'm perched in front of the TV or anything.

Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve Brett Farve