Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone.

I'm looking forward to a little time off, okay 1 day, after a whirlwind of activity.

We haven't had much snow in the east, but have had our share of ice and cold winter weather. The wind makes all the difference (negatively).

It's the kind of weather that makes reading a book in front of a fire enjoyable....if you have a fireplace. If you don't have a fireplace....well that's a different kind of trouble...

I was in line with a lady today who was complaining about Christmas "today". She said out-loud, to no one in particular, why do we spend so much money at Christmas, and become so busy.....why can't it be like the "old" days.

You mean like the days without indoor plumbing, the days during the World Wars, the Crazy 60's/70's, "Cold" War, Gas shortage, recession of the 80's.....which days might you be referring to???

Ironically she was in line to buy something...sooo....if you don't want to spend so much money, why are you buying more stuff?????

Sure culture/society has something to do with it all, but if you want to change the way you perceive Christmas and the Holiday season, than do it....

....but like always, I kept my mouth shut, and minded my own business.

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