Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Desert Song

Here's a great song from Hillsong, that I've been listening too a lot lately.
Fitting song for the struggles of the current church, economic & cultural climate.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Odd Man Out

I've recently finished reading a book called "Odd Man Out". It's about a former minor league left-handed pitcher named Matt McCarthy.

He tells his experiences from a year in Rookie ball with the Angels Organization.

Fascinating book, with a few cringe moments. Of course you have to look past the language as well.

Sports Illustrated did an excerpt from the book that gives the "flavor" of the story, if you want a cleaner version.

Probably the best baseball I've read since "Moneyball" by Michael Lewis (and no I didn't bother reading the steroid accounts of Mr. Canseco and Mr. Bonds).

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Last night I decided to cut up some old logs that are in our "woods". I use the term "woods" loosely, since our portion of it isn't very deep, but I digress...

Anyways, seeing that I'm not exactly John Bunyan (the lumberman came from St. Paul), I decided to use a chainsaw.

That worked well for the majority of the time, until I decided to cut this big, thick tree that had broke off near the base (3-4 feet off the ground). I was aware that, upon getting through the trunk, I would want to keep my tender toes & ankles away from the falling trunk.

As it turned out, I ran into a different problem. While casually off in la-la land, I got to the point where the top "halves" of the trunk fell slightly together, "binding" my chainsaw in the trunk......in other words, plain stuck.

No having a certain degree of pride, I decided that I need to get this out without any help. So, I set about cutting with my handsaw from the other end.

After awhile I would test what's left by jumping up and down on the cut area. Remember the scene in "Fireproof" where the Kirk Cameron character is smashing stuff, knocking over garbage cans, etc. That's the kind of moment I probably gave my neighbors if they saw me in the woods jumping up and down like a gorilla. (I probably gave a few frustrated grunts as well).

I did that alternating cycle for about 15 minutes before the "light came on" in my head, and I went to get my power saw. With the aid of electricity, and several strategic cuts later, the two pieces fell together, and all was well....just as darkness set.

All in a days work?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

80 degrees in Virginia

This past weekend my wife and I, along with our two boys had an chance to visit her relatives in Virgina.

It was a great weekend of relaxing, enjoying the sunny 80 degree weather, and watching the boys jump around on the trampoline, and play "dog ball".

The "dog" of "dogball" is a stuffed toy tied around on a rope, that swings above the trampoline. You try to avoid it, or hit it in a certain manner (without touching the trampoline). My boys loved the combination of all things related to jumping up and down.

We even got to spend some time on the lake (paddle-boat) and creek (canoe).

Equally important was the lack of technology, well....MY technology to be specific. Since I didn't have cell coverage, I could turn off my phone, which meant I could turn off my emails (work and personal) and turn off my interest in checking internet news. One phone, 3 options, total departure from the busy norm.

All in all, a great extended weekend.