Friday, September 28, 2007

Down to 3

Jayson Stark wrote a nice article on (click here) about the possible 4 way tie for baseball's post-season.

It's enough to make your head spin.

As it turns out, the Phillies win the last 3 and their in....except if the Mets win the last 3, and then they play a tie-breaker game at Philly on Monday (would love to go). And that's just for the division.

I don't remember being this excited for 3 games before. Other years they were done, and making a last-gap surge to get in that "with a little help" status.

Now they're (basically) in control, and it's the other teams that need a little help. Of course if they lose tonight, and the Mets & Padres win...then we're back on the fence.

Officially the Worst Idea Ever

Okay...that may be a bit dramatic, but it was a bad idea, or at least it turned out to be.

Kristy, Dakota and Cole came to visit me at work, because Cole at a doctor's appointment across the parking lot. (He's up to 12 lbs now!).

I suggested we go to the nearby restaurant to get something to eat.

With 2 plates of food sitting on the table, (one each, for those keeping score at home), Dakota decided to throw a fit.

Then Cole started crying, and it meant "Box-N-Go" time.

Of course if they don't cry, we have a nice meal, and it is a GREAT idea....but as it turned out, Kristy and I had to laugh at our selves and our predictament.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Quick Hits v.4

Finally (for today) it's been a busy sports time of year. The Phillies are really, really, really, really close to making the post-season, for the first time since I was in 8th grade!!!!!

Of course, they might fall short like other years, but I think they might actually do it this year. The Atlanta series will be a big test, come out of there okay, and it might be time to order playoff tickets.

The Eagles finally won in 3 weeks, and did they ever win! It wasn't even close. A great day for fantasy football owners (McNabb, Westbrook, Kitna, Roy Williams).

Not so great a day for merchandisers. The Eagles went with their "swedish" look , with is great for, say, ice hockey....and not so great for the NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE.

I don't see this tradition continuing, 56 points, or not.

Finally, in college sports, Penn State laid an egg in Ann Arbor. With their schedule, they had a really good chance to run the table, and be in the running for the national championship. Instead, a somewhat sloppy loss.
The Irish finally got to the end zone, but they are unfortunately out of options for this year. All the Ty supporters will come out of the "woodwork".
Also, as I finish this, the Phillies have moved into a tie for the wild card!!!! without even playing (Padres lost). It's going to be an exciting week of baseball!
Wait for it......wait for you see the letdown coming???? it wait....maybe not this year......maybe they finally make it.....

Quick Hits v.3

It was quick hits indeed....though some classified as errors.

We're playing a version of softball known as fall ball, except it's not very competitive, to the point that we are actively trying to not run up the score by the 3rd inning.

I got a hold of one Friday night, and had that "giddyup" feeling as I hit it. I cannot remember having that feeling in a game for a long time (practice...sure). As it turned out, I rounded the bases, even doing a bit of a home run "trot".

The trot was because the one outfielder had fallen down. His compadre also fell down laughing, and well, no-one went to get the ball, so I had all the time in the world.

I even did a little pitching...which was a lot of fun. I need to work on it a bit, if I'm going to do it at all during the season.

Quick Hits v.2

After meetings I made a quick trip up to Goshen. It was nice to see the area, drive up 33 from Fort Wayne, as the fields are being harvested (or soon to be in some cases).

I made a quick, nosy, drive around our old home. Looked pretty nice.....still small....definitely couldn't have managed with 2 kids there, thought it was good for us while we lived there.

It was good to see Chris & Heather, Joe & Kris, and all the kids. Had I had more time I would have like to connect with many more....

Friday breakfast was fun. It happened to be my birthday, and Joe had gotten a piece of coffee cake with a candle in it. I'm glad they didn't go the 29 candle route, it would have left me with an icing I wouldn't have liked.....not to mention having enough divets to qualify as a public golf course on welfare.

When I would go to breakfast with the guys, I usually went one of 3 routes: just coffee cake, coffee cake and 2 pancakes (which are like...plate sized), or the "Fritz".

The "Fritz" sounds like something Steve Taylor would be on (good 80's song reference). It's a combination of gravy, eggs, and potatoes. Some places call it the dumpster dish...but after Fritzy, it wasn named the Fritz. (so now you know, if you ever want to go to Goshen, hunt down the County Seat Cafe, find Fritz, and tell her it was recommended on this blog....she might even give you a piece of coffee cake for your efforts).

Quick Hits v.1

So a lot has happened in the 20 days I didn't blog. It's been really busy, my laptop's been funky, and football has started, as well as fall baseball.


I was in Cincy for the fall version of Berean's management meetings. It was 4 days away from Kristy and the boys, but a chance for some more interaction with other managers, and some fun.

We stayed at a Sheraton, and had meetings in 2 rooms there, and used a third for eating.

I stayed on the 10th floor, which usually is 8 floors more than I like...I'm a casual traveler...give me a hotel with 2 floors and I'm fine. Make me ride elevators with minds of their own....not so much fun..

I sharpened my poker skills (I had only a very, very, very basic knowledge of the game) and by the 2nd night, won the whole thing. Sure, it's a lot of luck....I beat the last guy with a flush (King high card) and he also had a flush, with a ten as the high card. We had gone 2 nights without having a flush, (well not in the card sense), and so it was pure luck that we both got them, and I had the higher run.

Know to find some players around here...

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Commercial Break

Penn State 24, Notre Dame 10.

So far you have to be pleased with 7's performance. He's highly accurate, even if only on short passes. As a true freshman (what...18 or 19 years old) he is going into Happy Valley (110,000 +) and showing a lot of maturity.

Penalties have killed the Irish tonight, some on scoring drives, some in giving Penn State just a little more momentum. You needed a somewhat perfect game tonight to beat a good Penn State team at home....and well, they're showing they are young and inexperienced, especially on offense.

The defense has played surprising well. A few tipped passes falling into ND defender hands, and this could be a different game.

Morelli has looked average at best. He's efficient, in a Jake Delhomme sort of way, but not the kind of guy who will lead you to a national championship. I expected a more lopside game at this point.

Also, Carlson hasn't been a factor in either of the first 2 games, but I assume that's because most defenses will take him out of the equation because he's the only returning weapon.

Well the break is ending.....need a big play from Zibby...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Seven Gets the Start

Who is "7" you might ask, and what's he starting.

He is the next prodigy QB for Charlie Weis and the Notre Dame football team. Toasted as one of the top recruits in the country, this TRUE FRESHMAN will start against the PA favored Nittany Lions in Happy Valley.

Check out his latest article here, where you will learn his name is not John Elway, who also was a famous "7".

If he does well, he may be referred to as "7" from this point forward, in honor of George Costanza's love of the name. If he doesn't do well, I may call him Powlus (just kidding...WAY to early for that).

Wow, they could really use Darius Walker right now....the dude didn't even get drafted...what a waste, could have been a senior. Besides, I miss the obligatory NBC shots of big dad Jimmy in the stands, and the rest of the family. After Brady's sister, and the Walker family, NBC will have to find some new favorite "fans".