Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Dreaded "D" Word

Lately my wife and I have started the dreaded "D" We're in day 11 of the South Beach Diet, which is the closest I've ever come to endorsing/supporting something that originated in South Florida.

The first 14 days we are to eliminate "carbs" from our meals, which means we're eating a lot of cheese, nuts, and small squirrels. Okay, not squirrels, but other meat (fish, beef, chicken,etc).

At first I thought, how bad can 2 weeks be? Well, at day 2, I was wishing for the freedom to eat whatever I wanted. That being said, by now, we're moving along pretty well. We're both enjoying more flavors of food that we might not have otherwise (i even tried a few bites of the dreaded "b" word.....broccoli).

We both lost some weight, Kristy at 8 pounds, me at 6, and I no longer need duct-tape to keep my belt closed. However, the side effects have presented themselves at dreams. Last week I dreamed I was eating pizza (and it was good), and this week, I dreamed I went to Subway and had a big sub and cookies (good as well, though I felt "dream guilt" over not sticking to my eating restrictions).

The good news is that on Monday, we can start introducing more food into our meals, as the restrictions become more hello Subway (or not).

Speaking of Subway, we joked recently that Taco Bell or McDonalds should hire the Jared guy as their rep, and see if he puts that weight back on. I think that weight thing only works in reverse, you don't want to hear Jared say "I gained 40 pounds eating at Taco Bell every lunch", followed by him holding up a pair of pants he used to fit in.

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