Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I know it sounds like an animal that might be a little crazy...but that's probably a loco-vore.

It's actually a term to describe people who shop locally. It has been described as:

“Locavore” was born which means “a person whose primary source of food is his or her local foodshed or from within a relatively modest radius.”

We always say the world is getting smaller, perhaps our buying habits are as well....but I doubt it.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Music Shop Ministry

So the last 2 weeks I've been frequenting the area music shops in search of "this or that" for our sunday night worship service.

I've always known this, but wow! what a sub-culture those shops are. You take a basic business approach, combine the love of good music (mainly guitars) and throw in your slightly crazy customers, and presto! you got a unique sub-culture, that could also serve as a ministry field.

I'm convinced you could effectively make a difference in people's lives, just by hanging out and building relationships in a "Starbucks", I think the same would apply at a music shop.

Now I believe musicians to be a suspicious bunch. To avoid being characterized as a "poser", you got to have a certain look (we'll call it the musician look), be able to express your love for/distain for certain types of instruments, equipment, local places to play, etc. Let's just say "Urkel" isn't going to start building friendships using the accordian and high-water pants.

Like any good musician, you need some good stories, if you're from a non-traditional background they may or may not include alcohol, throwing up, or getting stiffed out of a full gig fee.

Finally, you should be able to pick up a guitar, and play some cool riff / rhythm that instantly draws credibility to your musical background and experience.

Since I don't fit many of the above, I don't see the music shop ministry as one for me. However, for those who can, wow....what an opportunity.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Red Sox - Yankees.....and a t-shirt

This is part of what makes fan-hood so crazy, and baseball so interesting.

In summary, a Red Sox fan buried a t-shirt under the concrete floor of the New York Yankees new stadium.

Why is this a big deal....baseball people, whether they like to admit it or not, are very superstitious. The Cubs still blame a goat for their World Series failures, and they bought the Bartman ball, just to blow it up. The Red Sox blamed the "curse of Babe Ruth".

Now, in reality, all this disappears when you actually win a world series, but until then, fans tend to very superstitious (Players are too, see Wade Boggs eating chicken before every game).

Anyways, at first it was reported that the t-shirt was buried under the visiting clubhouse, but in reality it was where a restaurant was going to be. According to the store, anonymous sources tipped off the real location. The stadium itself is going to cost over a BILLION dollars, so what's a little extra expense in seeing a little more concrete dug up. My guess is that organizational pressure (i.e. you could lose your job) made the exact location a little easier to find.

Check out the link....it's really a bizarre story. They jack-hammered through 2 feet of concrete!!!!! (someone's going to get in trouble....)

Update: At the cost of about $30,000 and wasted 5-1/2 hours of work!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Did you know the average guy will eat 100 burgers in a year?

It's hard to imagine eating one every 3-4 days, but that's what it would take.

I know I had racked up quite a total (nowhere near 100....I like tacos as much as hamburgers) before I decided that I like to fit into my clothes a little better than go out and buy new ones.

Here's an interesting link on eating "trade-offs"

Friday, April 4, 2008

Talked to Mac Powell

Talked to Mac Powell today....that's me giving him a pointer on how to better perform.

Actually, he was a part of a phone conversation with the other 30 Berean managers/support staff, in preparation for the new Third Day CD coming out this summer.

Basically, I said "how do we want to start this.....a one, two...."I want to sing a song for you Lord" (see Offerings II).

It was cool hearing him talk and a guy named "Ty" who I'm embarrassed to say I don't know what he does with Third Day (a quick google search, and I still don't know)....maybe he's the bassist?

If you're looking to buy the CD, we'll be having a pre-sale where you get a t-shirt, and $5.00 coupon for pre-buying the cd at 13.97

Pray for Zimbabwe

Ever since the Kenyan ethnic violence, anytime elections roll around in an African country, and end up closely contested, it brings a certain degree of trepidation.

Zimbabwe is in a similar situation. It appears that there is going to be a run-off election, and there have been talks about the current ruling party not vacating their posts without violence.

My guess is the only way violence will be avoided is if the opposition does not have the military strength (or numbers or will) to "fight back".

Inflation's at more than 100,000 percent, so it's not like people don't wish for something better...they just might be living in fear with the current regime.

So...pray for Zimbabwe.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I just heard about a link called hulu.com.

It's a place where you can watch TV shows or movies. Of course you need a good DSL connection and plenty of time. They do interrupt movies/shows with the occasional ad (got to make money somewhere)...so if you don't mind seeing an ad for "Chili's" in the middle of watching "The Office"...you'll be set.

The cool thing about this site, is that it has some classic TV shows / movies...as well as sports and modern shows.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Up then Down then Up then down, down, down

As a Phillies fan, Game 1 of the 162 game series known as the "regular season" started in typical fashion.

The Phillies jumped out to an early lead, followed by Myers giving up the lead, followed by the Phillies tying the game with a Jimmy Rollins home-run, and then losing it with a 5 run 9th inning, off of the "closer" Gordon.

At this point I have better appreciate for my son's Thomas the Tank friend "Gordon" than an actual-live-human-being-who-may-be-asked-to-do-more-than-he-currently-can do....close games (in WINNING fashion).

I want to route for Gordon, even though I know he's like that used car, who used to be dependable, but now leaks oil, the gas guage is broken, and you aren't sure if it's going to get you to your destination.

If it's any consolation, I switched to the Cubs game after the Phillies lost, and saw them tie it in the 9th off of Eric Gagne, with a Kosuke Fukudome home run (and no I didn't have to google his name....that's the power of fantasy baseball...except I had him on the bench). This came after I snickered at the Cubs announcers making jokes at Eric Gagne's pants expense (they went to the well 2x on oversized pants jokes)....and then watched them lose it in the 10th...with me having similar disappointed feelings for Kerry Wood (yes, fantasy baseball) as I did for Tom Gordon.

Thankfully, like the past 3 years, I was able to watch the game with friends. Despite the fact that more young fans have entered the circle (we've added a child each year (either them or us), the outcome is still the same, the Phils are winning, and then the bullpen loses the game.

Regardless, there are 161 more "rides" to take on this Phillies journey, which hopefully will be as exciting as last year's.

Funny April Fools Links

MSN ran a list today of 10 funny April Fools pranks. Most of them are pretty good, including the new vacation destination the island of "San Serriffe" which is amusing for those who sat through Typing 101. Also, don't miss out on how to grow a "spagetti tree".

As usual, most of these jokes rely on people being gullible....and getting worked up over something they feel is important (like the mathematical value of Pi is 3.14 and not the more "biblical" value of 3.10). Check out the link at the beginning, or else this won't make any sense.

I could have tried to think of something "we're moving", "we're having twins", "I lost my job", but all that really does is ruin the trust of everyone around you. I'm pretty sure the boy cried wolf on April 1st.

On a totally unrelated note...I wonder where the phrase "more than one way to skin a cat" came from. Um....are we talking a literal interpretation? It had to originate somewhere?