Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Music Shop Ministry

So the last 2 weeks I've been frequenting the area music shops in search of "this or that" for our sunday night worship service.

I've always known this, but wow! what a sub-culture those shops are. You take a basic business approach, combine the love of good music (mainly guitars) and throw in your slightly crazy customers, and presto! you got a unique sub-culture, that could also serve as a ministry field.

I'm convinced you could effectively make a difference in people's lives, just by hanging out and building relationships in a "Starbucks", I think the same would apply at a music shop.

Now I believe musicians to be a suspicious bunch. To avoid being characterized as a "poser", you got to have a certain look (we'll call it the musician look), be able to express your love for/distain for certain types of instruments, equipment, local places to play, etc. Let's just say "Urkel" isn't going to start building friendships using the accordian and high-water pants.

Like any good musician, you need some good stories, if you're from a non-traditional background they may or may not include alcohol, throwing up, or getting stiffed out of a full gig fee.

Finally, you should be able to pick up a guitar, and play some cool riff / rhythm that instantly draws credibility to your musical background and experience.

Since I don't fit many of the above, I don't see the music shop ministry as one for me. However, for those who can, wow....what an opportunity.

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