Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Da Lake

We enjoyed a nice weekend up at Jon and Kelly's lake house. It was a nice opportunity to relax in an aquatic setting.

Dakota even caught a fish (with a little help from me). I could have used a little more down time fishing, but it wasn't in the plans for the day.

Cole and I caught some rest under a tree, while I kept one eye open for pesky caterpillars.

Kristy and I broke away from our diet for some of Carissa's good cookies. I tried not to butcher (or burn) our hamburgers & hotdogs.

We (well Dakota) even got a plastic frisbee from the lady park ranger, and then Jon and I got to sit quietly while Kelly and Kristy commented how pretty the lady park ranger was, for a park ranger.

A few sand castles later, it turned out to be a good day/weekend.

Penny Pinchers

Hey, I'm all about financial freedom. I think it's admirable for people who can stay out of debt, and live good fiscally-responsible lives.

I do sometimes scratch my head at the customers who use a 25% off coupon on a 2-3 dollar item (like a greeting card, or a pack of stickers). I mean, you're saving less than a dollar.

I guess if you are a coupon clipper from the Sunday paper, you treat bookstore coupons the same way....and I can understand that.

However, if you have a chance to pick any item in the store, I'd pick a book or CD where I saved dollars and not just a few dimes.

But maybe that's just me.

Save on.

Sound Cards

Dayspring has come out with a card line of Christian themed cards, that when you open it, a song plays.

You can get 4-Him's "Where There is Faith" or a song from Casting Crowns, Chris Tomlin, Steven Curtis Chapman, Third Day, etc.

I think it would be more fun for the shock affect. Say you get a card that has some song like "who let the dogs out" or something obnoxious like that.

I can see those cards would have some comedic value.

Maybe Christian songs cards are supposed to be comforting or inspiring, but then again I'm not a big card giver.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Meat Slappers

So there's a Subway restuarant locally, as part of a gas station. Somewhere, there is probably a manifesto against getting your food prepared by people who also pump gas.

Unfortunately, it's the closest one to where I work, and I go there about every other month.

The owner is a real meat slapper. You can tell who enjoys their work, and who doesn't. He cuts open the bread, and practically throws the meat onto the sandwich.

Since I like the Italian BMT, it's watching the process 3 times over (slap, slap, slap, slap, slap...opps, here's an extra slice of meat....slap). By comparison, the Quiznos people have the meat already prepared, and separated by paper (smart, efficient).

He's also not the most attentive. One time he asked me what cheese I wanted 3 times, while he slapped meat. I answered provolone each time. It was a fascinating game...one where he could have tested how many times I would have answered to his "cheese?" question.

So, I overlook his disinterest in preparing food, to enjoy the tasty goodness of a BMT. By the way, check out subway.com and find your "inner sub". Yes, it sounds kind of new age-ish, but I learned my personality is best described as a cold-cut combo. Who knew??

Baseball Anniversary

Okay, thanks to the oddity of 16 innings, I know that today (May 17th) is anniversary of the Phillies 1-0 win over the Cubs.

I would have been 12, so it's probable that I went to a game or two before that (I remember an excursion with Jeff & Brad), but this is the first one I remember going to with my parents, so I'm claiming it as my anniversary.

It's also interesting that the Cubs were featured. I've seen them play (in person) the most, of any team other than the Phillies.

So happy anniversary to me, and enjoy baseball, because the summer is just starting!


Signs was on last night. You know, the thriller movie with Aliens, corn fields, crop circles, lots of dramatic music, and extra-sensorary titilation.

Full-Disclosure: This is only the 2nd time I've ever watched it. The first time was the middle of the afternoon, and after watching it, I was looking over my shoulder at night for a few weeks. I know it's not real, but when you have an imagination like mine, it's hard not to keep that from going into hyper-drive. In other cases, I'd walk past guys passed out, outside the Goshen store, and not think twice about it (the back of the bookstore was perpendicular to the back door of a bar).

Getting back to signs....this time around it was at night, though with commercial breaks. That being said, I couldn't watch it downstairs alone, I had to go upstairs, and I knew what was coming (hand under door, alien at kids party, aliens at house). That being said, it was still a good thriller.

I really go for movies like this. The ones where it's smoke & mirrors, you think something is happening, but you're never quite sure what's going to happen. "The Village" was another movie like this (same director), where you saw glimpses, bits & pieces, but it wasn't until the end that it all came together (that one gave me trouble when I'd be turning off the lights in our basement at the store).

Big fan of these movies...even if it keeps me from ever walking in cornfields at night.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

You know.....Staples

I got a call today from a "dutchified sounding" gentleman. He wanted something from our office supply section that we couldn't order.

I recommended he check at Staples..

Caller: where?
Me: Staples

Caller: how do you spell that?
Me: S...T...A...P...L...E...S

Caller: that's how it's in the phone book
Me: yes...Staples in Eph

caller: okay, thanks

I'm mean....we're talking about

Easy button, red building...office supply mecca??

It's interesting running into people who have not heard about what I would consider modern-day normal stuff.

In other news, we have a guy locally who is trying to claim that because he was Amish (he's not), he didn't understand the bank rules for depositing money (depositing under 10,000 each time at 10 different banks, amounting to $541,000). Yet somehow he knew that if it was under 10,000, the bank wouldn't have to file paperwork on the transaction. This is also the guy who we (the store) had to get a restraining order against, because he would steal product, return it for gift certificates, hoping to get some unsuspecting cashier to give him cash.

Apparently he would even peddle his bike to Souderton, about 1.5 hours away, and work his system there as well as the local stores.

but anyways...I mean...Staples.....S-T-A-P-L-E-S....you know...