Saturday, January 19, 2008

Corner Gas

Lately I've gotten into a show called "Corner Gas". Given to us by our friends up North (even the occasional Canadian joke). Humor-wise this sitcom reminds me of a bizarre cross between the Andy Griffith Show and Seinfeld. It maintains what I would call "old" humor (maybe not laugh out loud, but bring a smile to your face humor), while mixing in some modern day edginess.

Like Seinfeld, it's a show about nothing....though each character is developed, so like the Seinfeld characters, you know what you're getting with each one.

Unlike Seinfeld, they don't seem to bring in many outside people into the script (no Danny Tartabulls, Teri Hatchers, etc), so you miss some of those plot wrinkles.

It's on WGN, which for most satellite customers, means a no watch. However, local cable companies do carry it (and Cubs/White Sox games!) I get to watch it occasionally in it's 8:00-9:00 (2 show) time slot on Wednesdays. It's also on later in the evening (11 or 12midnight) as well on other days.

Has anyone else watched this?

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