Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Nooooooooooooo!!!!! or Yeah!

Noooooooooo!!!!! or Yeah! I'm really not sure at this point. If Johan Santana turns out to be Curt Schilling with the D-backs, or Curt Schilling with the Red Sox...than NOOOOOOO!!!!!!

If he turns out to be Carl Pavano with the Yankees, or Randy Johnson with the Yankees than YEAH! the double-whammy of trading away a ton of talent, and hamstringing your team (is that a word?) for the near future and having limited to poor strategery (okay that's not a word).

It will take a few years for the winner of this trade to be realized. However, one can only hope that while the Phillies pick up guys like Feliz, and the Mets...Santana...that it still works out well for the Fightins.

I guess the Mets games just became a hot ticket...out with Glavine....in with Santana?

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