Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Who Knew?

Apparently Cedric Benson (formerly of the Chicago Bears) has been ordered to have an alcohol lock installed on his car. Who knew that was even an option? Why isn't this mandatory for all first-time DUI/DWI offenders?

On a side-note, if I could convince Kristy, our (FUTURE but not imminent) third child would be named Cedric Jayson. Actually I could care less about Cedric, it's the Jayson with a y that has me intrigued. Of course then we'd be cliche, having named Cole Jaxon with the x. I guess having a last name at the end of the alphabet has me receptive to those x-y-z's.

For a girl it could be Zena for a middle name.....(I think Kristy just rolled her eyes).

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