Monday, August 27, 2007


As expected, this baby has brought about a far amount of adjustments...some expected and some that are a surprise.

Cole has gone from a rather stable environment on the inside, to one that is not so stable on the outside...but he has really followed the S-E-P mantra (sleep, eat, poo-pee).

Dakota has done remarkedly well for now having to share attention. He really has a lot of affection for his little brother, and often wants to help Kristy with diaper changes, comforting baby, etc.... He is pushing the limits, but that could be because Kristy and I were m-i-a during weekend.

I've been staying up later, waking up more during the night, and have totally disrupted my sense of "schedule", in terms of work and family life. On the other hand, I've been eating really well with people bring great food, and great desserts.

Kristy..... Obviously her body went through a lot with childbirth...but she's also walking around with 10 fewer pounds...or close to it. So add her sleeping, or non-sleeping schedule...that factors in too. However, she's been doing less house work since her maid...err..husband has taken over some duties.

The biggest adjustment....well it has to be Kristy. Think about 10 lbs going anywhere in the body... it's an amazing...yet painful experience (as I've witnessed).

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