Friday, August 17, 2007

Weird Sicknesses

Okay, so I'm sure someone just made this up to give other people something to worry about. A guy talked at church about stewardship of time. In that talk, he gave an example about how some people are always feeling "hurried" and it's actually being classified as a sickness (hurried sickness to be more specific).

He gave examples of the "symptoms". Do you get agitated while waiting in line (check). Do you observe others and then notice when leaving if they left before or after you (check). Do you rely on technology and feel lost without it (check). Do you read quickly, but not thoroughly. And so on....

I guess some people are like this. I feel I have a handle on all the things I checked above...I can exist without my cell phone, wireless internet, laptop computer...but it makes my life easier when i have use of them. I feel I have it balanced (what's that dear....a river in Egypt? de nile?)

I should google hurried sickness.....okay 510,000 articles in .16 seconds...maybe someone didn't make it up.

On a weird note...did you ever stop to think about why we use rats for medical experiments. I know, I's probably the whole similar cell structure thing....

I had to think of a "Seinfeld type" hold a rat up to your friend... and ask the question above then say "you know, I think I see the resembelance". I mean really, we don't have tales (editors note: we may have tales, but we don't have tails), while we like cheese, it's not our main affection/affliction. I guess a few of us might get caught in huge traps if we say a box of Krispy Kremes in the center, unguarded...but really, whoever thought up the whole test on mice/rats?

Also...I think I have a sickness that I made up called "phantom cell phone vibration". I think my cell phone is vibrating, but I go to pick it up, and there isn't a call there. Now...for those who are really mischevious, they could call me hang up, call me again a few seconds later, hang up...and that would do the trick...but it would also register on the call log.

Anyways, I don't know a cure, except to remove the vibration option, but then I'm stuck with just a cell phone ring which may or may not annoy those around me. At least with vibration you can get the call before it alerts EVERYONE around you that you are receiving a call.

Of course, there was the time in Goshen when I had a cell phone that responded to voice commands. So, I would say "Kristy" and it would dial Kristy. I would say "Ken" and it would dial my boss. After awhile my assistant manager in the cubicle next to me thought it was weird that I would just be saying random names out of the blue... Kristy..... until she associated it with the cell phone.

At least she wasn't delusional...

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