Saturday, August 25, 2007

It's a Boy!!!

It gives me tremendous pleasure to announce the birth of Cole Jaxon on Thursday, 8/23/07.

Cole is BIG boy, weighing 9 lbs 15 oz, and is 20.5 feet, no make that inches, in length.

Dakota met Cole last night, and gave him a present of soft,chewable barn animals. Cole, ever the gracious brother, left Dakota play with them right away.

Kristy is doing well, after a "short" 12 hours of labor (Dakota was 22 hours). Like with Dakota, she had 15 minutes of hard labor....but was aided well by the efforts of her husband/coach, who valiantly held her hand and encouraged her on.....and occasionally winced at her pain....and his own, before he took his wedding ring off the "squeeze hand".

All that being said, what an amazing process. I got that "WOW" feeling in me when I knew that we were moments away from meeting our new son or daughter. We praise God for this incredible miracle of new life.

You can see Cole's baby picture by going to and following the instructions with the password "baby".

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