Wednesday, August 8, 2007


So last night we had another church league playoff softball game. Our previous opponents (UZ) ended up playing 12 innings...before losing by a run to the #1 overall seeded team. They played them tough...and for those scoring at home, that's an additional 4+ innings of softball.

We on the other hand, played the last place seeded team, # 16. Of course we liked our chances.

It ended up being a game where you could derive very little satisfaction.....except if you were Sheldon, who hit a nice towering home run, and then almost hit another when we batted around that inning.

Let's put it this way, we almost batted completely around twice in an inning (i.e. one batter would have been up to the plate 3 times). That's almost unheard of.

We got 8 quick runs, before 2 outs were recorded, and went into "pull-back" mode. We still hit the ball hard, but we didn't take extra bases in running, or send in extra runs to pile it up....and we STILL ended up with an embarrassing 35 extra runs.

We called off the "dogs" but it looks like it wasn't enough. However, to everyone's credit...what could you do?

You try and not show up an opponent by being overly aggressive when the game is at hand. However, to camp at one base while the ball rolls into the fence doesn't seem classy either.

That's why there was very little satisfaction in winning this game.

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