Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July

I think it's great that the 4th of July fell on a Wednesday this year. Last night I was working at the house, and it felt like today (Wednesday) was going to be a Saturday.

Now for those going back to work on Thursday and Friday, that might feel kind of weird, like a second Monday or something. Me, I'm taking off those 2 days to work on the house.

Initially I had hoped (rather optimistically....which I guess is what hope is) that we could be in a position to wrap things up this week, and move in next weekend. It looks like we're 2-3 weeks off that schedule, depending on PP&L. Crazy monopoly....I'd be content to get a utility pole and hookup from "savemart utility company".....where's a discount utility company when you need it :)

I need to tell myself, it will all work out, and when it does, we'll be in the house for a long, long time. However, even 2 weeks feels like a long time to wait right now...

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