Wednesday, July 4, 2007

New Basement Floor

Recently, John, Jason, Sheldon, Linford & Ervin lent a hand on a Saturday morning to pour concrete. The first issue that needed to be resolved was "how do we get the cement trucks to the back of the house?"

I assumed they could drive down the dirt ramp Dave had made, and pull up to the house. The drivers didn't think that would work, as the ground was soft in the area the would be turning around in. As they put it, "you'll have bigger problems than cement if we get stuck".

So, Ervin went and borrowed a neighbors tractor, and scooped away some of the top soil pile. This allowed drivers to drive straight across the lot, and avoided getting stuck.

With 3 wheelbarrowers, and John and Jason "floating"/leveling , it all got poured in 2-3 hours.

That's when the waiting process began. Unfortunately, because it was metered concrete, it took awhile to set up. However, half a day later, John and Jason were putting on the finishing touches with the trowler, and the job was done.

Then began the 48 hour period where I didn't want to walk on it, get dirt on it, have others walk on it, etc. It was like something that is brand new, you want to preserve the "newness" or something. Kristy, Dakota and I even ate supper off it Saturday night (okay, no we didn't).

After John Ray and I did some plumbing, and a few puddles from the storm, I felt a little different, as it lost it's newness, and became a regular basement floor.

Let me rephrase that, a really nice regular basement floor. My dad, and subsequent friends/workers/subcontractors all commented on how nice the floor looked. John and Jason did a great job.

Now to get those steps finished....

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