Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Lighting strikes Twice.....sort of

Thanks to some creative church softball scheduling, we got to play "Bethany" 3 times in 4 games. There's a lot of "background history" when it comes to softball, so we really wanted to beat them at least once in 3 (they're stacked with power hitters).

Friday night we got smoked, they were prepping for a tournament the next day, and were hitting the ball really well. Monday night they were missing a few guys, and we played a close game, until the 6th inning when went up 3 runs.

Not to be denied, we came back with 5 runs in the top of the 7th, and then lighting flashed, and flashed, and flashed, and we had to vacate the field. Being solid in the brain that we are, we then went on the other side of the fence, and stood around there.

So the field is empty, and no one is holding a metal bat in the air, but we're still standing together out in the open. I stood next to Linford and Sheldon, hey...they're taller :)

After 30 minutes they called the game, and we won! .....oh, wait....what?....I guess there is a rule that states if the inning is unfinished, and the game is called, it goes back to the score of the previous inning (or so "Bethany" claimed).

Regardless, we came back the next day, without any lightning storms, and played against them...again.

At the end of the game, we had won! Getting 3 in the bottom of the second to win!

A fun, slightly nerve-racking at the end, game.

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